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Illinois Insurance Blog

Deerfield Drivers: Key Insights for Choosing the Right Auto Insurance

Deerfield, IL motorists looking to protect their investment often rely on the assistance of STARS Insurance. Once it comes time to choose the right auto insurance, we are here to help. All sorts of crucial insights need to be discussed before a decision is made. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common mistakes that take place so that all of the following pitfalls can be avoided.

Adhering Strictly to Minimum

Yes, it is great to remain in compliance with the required minimums, but this is not always advisable. There is no reason to rely strictly on the bare minimum amount of auto insurance. Minimum requirements are not always as high as they need to be, and this can leave motorists scrambling once an accident occurs. If you are found to be at fault, these costs are only going to be exacerbated.

Failure To Consider Your Teen Driver

Even if your teen driver will not be utilizing the vehicle regularly, they must still be considered. If you fail to list them on your insurance policy and they cause an accident, your premiums are going to skyrocket. No motorist will want to be left responsible for the expenses that take place when their teen driver is found to be at fault.

Lack of Correct Information

Incorrect or misleading information is a major no-no as far as auto insurance is concerned. Don’t misrepresent the mileage you are accruing or even something as simple as where the vehicle is being parked at nighttime. False information will lead to a retroactive increase in your premiums, which should always be avoided.

At STARS Insurance, our primary objective is simple: giving Deerfield, IL, residents the tools they need to make an informed decision about their auto insurance needs. Call us or stop by today to learn more about how we can help!