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Illinois Insurance Blog

Deerfield Drivers: Key Insights for Choosing the Right Auto Insurance

Deerfield, IL motorists looking to protect their investment often rely on the assistance of STARS Insurance. Once it comes time to choose the right auto insurance, we are here to help. All sorts of crucial insights need to be discussed before a decision is made. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common mistakes that take place so that all of the following pitfalls can be avoided.

Adhering Strictly to Minimum

Yes, it is great to remain in compliance with the required minimums, but this is not always advisable. There is no reason to rely strictly on the bare minimum amount of auto insurance. Minimum requirements are not always as high as they need to be, and this can leave motorists scrambling once an accident occurs. If you are found to be at fault, these costs are only going to be exacerbated.

Failure To Consider Your Teen Driver

Even if your teen driver will not be utilizing the vehicle regularly, they must still be considered. If you fail to list them on your insurance policy and they cause an accident, your premiums are going to skyrocket. No motorist will want to be left responsible for the expenses that take place when their teen driver is found to be at fault.

Lack of Correct Information

Incorrect or misleading information is a major no-no as far as auto insurance is concerned. Don’t misrepresent the mileage you are accruing or even something as simple as where the vehicle is being parked at nighttime. False information will lead to a retroactive increase in your premiums, which should always be avoided.

At STARS Insurance, our primary objective is simple: giving Deerfield, IL, residents the tools they need to make an informed decision about their auto insurance needs. Call us or stop by today to learn more about how we can help!

Mitigating the Many Pitfalls of Owning a Business

Owning a business may be a dream come true for you and your family. However, if you don’t take the proper precautions, there’s a risk that your dreams could turn into a nightmare. We’ll take a look at some steps businesses can take to mitigate risks, such as taking out commercial insurance policies. If you’re looking for assistance with insurance coverage in Deerfield, IL, among other communities, contact STARS Insurance.

The Risks Business Owners Must Be Aware Of

Entering into business is often inherently risky, yet there are some things you can do to reduce threats. First, it’s wise to develop a clear and clean financial picture. You’ll want to ensure that invoicing, payroll, and other basic financial processes are all in good order. If your finances become disorganized, it could cause trouble. Fortunately, many business software programs and tools make such processes much easier to handle.

It’s also crucial that you take out the appropriate insurance policies. What’s covered can vary from plan to plan, and you may have to take out a few different policies to ensure complete coverage. Some types of commercial insurance might cover injuries should a customer be injured. If you have company vehicles, they’ll likely need to be covered by vehicle policies. If you own or rent a commercial building, you’ll want to ensure your property and equipment are covered.

Not all risks can be mitigated. You’ll likely face competition, and at times, the competition could be stiff. By getting your finances in order and limiting risks with the right commercial insurance policies, you can reduce burdens and free resources to confront other risks, like your competitors. If you need help, contact STARS Insurance, serving in Deerfield, IL, to explore various coverage options. 

Smart Tech Upgrades for Deerfield Homes: Insurance Benefits with STARS Insurance

When you’re in Deerfield, IL, you want the ultimate home. You’ve worked to find a beautiful home in a great neighborhood. Now, some smart tech upgrades can also benefit your home insurance. At STARS Insurance, we’re here to help you get the most benefits.

Smart Tech for Security

A variety of smart tech upgrades can enhance the security of your home. Secured property can either deter criminals from ever breaking into your home or at least gather information so that you can report it to the police, which can lower your premiums.

Some smart tech that will help with securing your property includes:

  • Video cameras
  • Window sensors
  • Doorbell camera

Many of these will work together to take security to the next level. If you’re not home and any of these sensors are triggered, 911 can even be called on your behalf.

Smart Tech for Other Issues

Other smart tech options can be used to identify issues around your home so that damage is minimized.

Examples of such include:

  • Water leak sensors
  • Fire alarms
  • Smoke sensors
  • Electrical system monitors

All of these can detect an issue quickly to draw your attention. This way, you can address the problem immediately rather than finding out about it days or weeks after the problem has started – and the damage could be more considerable.

Discuss the Many Insurance Benefits with Our Agents

With so many intelligent tech upgrades that you can make, it’s a good idea to discuss your options with an insurance agent. When you’re in Deerfield, IL, call us at STARS Insurance.

We can look at your policy and home and recommend the best upgrades for you.

How Deerfield Boaters Navigate The Murky Waters of Boat Insurance

Navigating Illinois Boat Insurance: A Guide for Deerfield, IL Boat Owners

Choosing a suitable insurance policy for your boat in Deerfield, IL, may initially seem like a complex task, considering the responsibility that comes with protecting not only your vessel but its passengers and their belongings. However, Stars Insurance professionals are here to alleviate your worries and help you pursue the best boat insurance coverage.

Understanding the Basics of Illinois Boat Insurance

Boat insurance is a strategic financial shield for local boaters against devastating events like boating accidents, theft, or damage. It provides coverage for varied risks and is available in several types in Illinois.

Common Illinois Boat Insurance Plans

The Illinois boat insurance types commonly sought by boaters include:

  • Liability Insurance for Illinois Boaters
  • Property Coverage
  • Medical Payments Coverage
  • Uninsured Boater Coverage
  • Underinsured Boater Coverage
  • Personal Injury Protection
  • Towing and Emergency Assistance for Illinois Boaters

Choosing Comprehensive Boat Insurance in Deerfield, IL

Comprehensive boat insurance in Illinois offers extended coverage for various incidents, providing more protection for your vessel. Full coverage boat insurance safeguards your finances against total loss caused by collisions, natural disasters, vandalism, and other non-collision-related events.

Do You Need Flood Insurance if You Live Away From a Body of Water?

At STARS Insurance, we are dedicated to serving the residents of the Deerfield, IL area. With our comprehensive flood insurance coverage, we strive to provide our customers with the peace of mind they deserve. Our team of knowledgeable professionals is committed to helping our customers navigate the complexities of flood insurance, ensuring they are adequately protected against any potential risks.

Flood Insurance

When considering whether people who live away from bodies of water need flood insurance, it is important to understand the details of each customer’s situation. While individuals residing near rivers, lakes, or coastlines are typically at a higher risk of experiencing flooding, it is essential to know that flood events can occur virtually anywhere. 

It is estimated that nearly 25% of flood insurance claims filed each year are from areas not deemed high-risk for flooding. That’s why it is a good idea for individuals, despite their geographical location, to carefully determine their flood risk and evaluate the need for insurance coverage. Certain conditions, such as heavy rainfall, dam failures, or even urban development, can cause sudden water accumulation, potentially resulting in severe damage to homes and properties. 

It is important to highlight that while obtaining flood insurance is optional for those living outside designated flood zones, certain circumstances may require individuals to carry such coverage. For example, federal law mandates that you have flood insurance if you have a mortgage through a federally regulated or insured lender and your property is located in a special flood-risk area.

Additionally, some local government agencies may impose mandatory flood insurance requirements for properties in flood-prone regions, regardless of their proximity to bodies of water. It is highly recommended that individuals consult with our insurance professionals and assess their unique circumstances to determine whether obtaining flood insurance is necessary.

Find Out More Today

STARS Insurance is committed to providing the best service to residents in the Deerfield, IL area. Our team offers reliable flood insurance coverage for your peace of mind. With our professional expertise and experience, we understand the potential risks and challenges of living in a flood-prone region.

We encourage you to reach out by calling or stopping by our office for more information. STARS Insurance is your trusted partner in safeguarding your home and possessions, allowing you to face unforeseen events confidently.

5 Common Reasons Why Insurers Deny Life Insurance Claims

Life insurance is a  valuable thing to leave your beneficiaries. But no one wants there to be a problem after their departure. If you want to be sure your wishes are fulfilled and your life insurance beneficiaries get the benefits of the policy you purchased, avoid these five common reasons why insurers deny life insurance claims.

Why Insurers Deny Life Insurance Claims

1. Non-disclosure or Misrepresentation

Most life insurance policies ask about health conditions, smoking and drinking habits, risky lifestyle choices, and other things that can influence their decision. If an applicant misrepresents the facts or doesn’t truthfully disclose the information, this may lead to a denial of the claim.

2. Exclusions in the Policy

Life insurance policies almost always exclude certain events, including activities such as extreme sports or circumstances that are not covered. For help determining exactly what exclusions are in a life insurance policy, consult with a representative at STARS Insurance serving Deerfield, IL.

3. Restricted Location

Sometimes a life insurance claim may be denied of the policyholder was intentionally in a restricted location. This may include places where a travel advisory was in place or in a situation where the policyholder intentionally put themselves in harm’s way, such as in a tornado.

4. Inaccurate Beneficiary Information

Life insurance companies do their utmost to pay out legal claims. However, the policyholder must provide accurate beneficiary information in order to do so. Outdated information or inaccurate information can cause unnecessary delays in paying out a claim.

5. Illegal Activities

Some life insurance policies include clauses where illegal activities are not covered. So if a policyholder passed away while engaging in an illegal activity, the claim could possibly be denied.

Call Today To Discuss Your Options

For help with all of your life insurance needs, including how to ensure your claim is paid, contact your representative at STARS Insurance serving Deerfield, IL.

Cracked Windshields and Car Insurance: The Ins and Outs

If you’re worried about your vehicle’s windshield getting cracked, it’s important to know whether your insurance policy will protect you. Our team at STARS Insurance can help you understand whether your Deerfield, IL coverage will effectively pay for any damage caused to your windshield.

A General Policy May Not Help 

A basic collision or liability vehicle insurance policy won’t help you if your windshield gets cracked, even when it’s not your fault. There’s a reason for that: it simply doesn’t cover it. Collision and liability protection cover damages caused by accidents or any damages you cause in an accident. 

So, unless your windshield is cracked in a collision accident, your policy isn’t going to pay out. So what do you do if issues like weather damage your windshield? The only thing you can do is pay for repairs and upgrade your policy to comprehensive to avoid this problem in the future.

Comprehensive Coverage Does 

While your general policy may not protect you if your windshield gets cracked, comprehensive coverage is designed for this kind of extra help. Comprehensive policies typically have a myriad of different damage issues that you can add to your protection to ensure it’s safe, like:

  • Falling tree branches either in a storm or due to damage to the tree through aging 
  • Flying baseballs, softballs, or other types of sports balls hitting the windshield
  • Vandalism or animal attacks causing serious damage to your windshield
  • Snow, rain, or hail damaging your windshield unexpectedly
  • Debris from a heavy windstorm impacting your windshield

Schedule A Consultation Today

Our skilled team at STARS Insurance can provide you with the help that your Deerfield, IL vehicle needs to stay strong and avoid serious damage. By upgrading your policy to comprehensive, you provide yourself with the security that you need to keep your windshield strong and secure.

Four misconceptions about commercial insurance

At STARS Insurance, we’re here to meet the insurance needs of business owners in Deerfield, IL. If you own a business, you need to be aware of common misconceptions that might cause you to make insurance mistakes. 

Here are four common misconceptions about commercial insurance: 

Smaller or new businesses don’t need commercial insurance coverage

You need to insure your business even if it hasn’t been around that long. You also need to insure your business even if it hasn’t grown to a very large size. All companies need insurance coverage because all companies face liability risks. 

Every company has the same commercial insurance needs.

The commercial insurance needs that your company faces depend on a variety of factors such as your industry and business practices.

Don’t think that your company’s insurance needs are the same as any other company’s insurance needs. It’s very important for commercial insurance policies to be customized to the needs of the insured company. 

Commercial liability coverage always covers employee injuries. 

If you want to be sure that employee injuries are covered, you need to invest in workers compensation coverage. This type of coverage might not be included in a standard commercial insurance policy unless the policyholder requests to have it included. 

Most companies don’t need cyber insurance.

Cyber insurance might be more important than you think. Cyber insurance protects sensitive customer data while also securing your company’s own information. That’s why you shouldn’t neglect this type of coverage without looking into its many benefits.

We Are Here To Help

If you’re interested in commercial insurance for your business in Deerfield, IL, we’re here to come to your assistance at STARS Insurance. Get in touch with us today for a policy quote. 

Three Ways Home Insurance Can Protect You

Home insurance is a critical form of protection that allows you to transfer your risk. It can provide various types of coverage that protect you from many types of perils that can damage your home and personal belongings. Also, the insurance coverage you can obtain through STARS Insurance can help you protect your assets. As a homeowner in Deerfield, IL, it’s important to learn more about the benefits of home insurance, so you realize the importance of retaining coverage and not letting it lapse, which could lead to costly losses.

You Can Protect Your Home

The main objective of home insurance is to protect the home itself. When you maintain coverage in Deerfield, IL, your home will be protected against a wide range of risks that could cause extensive damage. Your home insurance policy can be tailored to fit your specific needs. You’ll be able to protect the dwelling and other structures on the property. 

You Can Protect Yourself From Legal Liable 

As a homeowner, you can find yourself liable for the damages, injuries, or losses of others. For example, if someone were to get hurt on your property, you may be held liable since you own the property. When you get coverage from STARS Insurance, you’ll know that you’re covered for situations like this.

You Can Protect Your Personal Belongings

When you obtain home insurance, you can also protect your contents. These include the types of things that would fall out of your home if it were tipped upside down. Knowing your personal property is covered in the case of a major loss can really offer you peace of mind as a homeowner. You can contact STARS Insurance to learn more and get started.

Tips for Storing a Boat

If you want to maximize a boat’s lifespan, it is essential to know how to properly store and winterize the watercraft. Proper storage will help proactively prevent potential damage to the boat when not in use during the off-season. If you are a boater or boat owner in the greater Deerfield, IL, area, the insurance specialists at STARS Insurance offer these essential tips for storing your boat as the summer boating season begins to draw near.

Tips for Storing a Boat

Remember to keep all boat-related paperwork (insurance, registration, and maintenance records) in a safe, conveniently accessible location and –

Clean the Inside/Outside of the Boat

Before storing, remove all debris and dirt on the inside and the hull and deck. Clean compartments to prevent mold/mildew growth.

Change the Oil & Flush the Engine

Consider changing the watercraft’s oil and oil filter before storing the boat. If the boat has an inboard or stern-drive engine, flush it with fresh water to remove any salt/contaminants. Add antifreeze to the cooling system and a fuel stabilizer to the boat’s fuel tank to prevent the gas from breaking down.

Drain Water Systems

Drain all water from the boat’s systems to prevent the freezing of pipes, pumps, etc.

Disconnect Batteries

Disconnect the boat’s batteries and store them in a dry, cool location.

Elevate the Boat & Cover Properly

Use a cover that fits properly/snugly, as this offers the best protection from harsh elements. Elevate on blocks, as this keeps moisture away from the hull. Be sure if the boat is stored indoors that, there is proper ventilation to avoid mold/mildew.

We Are Here To Help!

For more information on the many ways to protect your boat, contact the Deerfield, IL-based STARS Insurance. We can assist you with all your boat insurance needs.