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Illinois Insurance Blog

Why You Need Flood Insurance Outside of Flood Zones

The government designates numerous areas as flood zones where there’s a high probability of regular flooding events. However, floods can occur anywhere, not only in these zones. For this reason, every homeowner needs to have flood insurance. If you don’t have any flood insurance coverage yet, contact us at STARS Insurance in Deerfield, IL.

The Flood Zone Designation

Areas that regularly flood are designated as flood zones and assigned a frequency interval (like 10 years, 50 years, etc.) at which flooding is expected. These areas typically either have terrain that is conducive to flooding or are located near a body of water prone to flooding. While living in a designated flood zone requires you to have flood insurance, it’s important to remember that not all floods happen in flood zones. Unexpected floods cause damage to many homes. Approximately 20% of all flood claims come from areas outside designated zones.

Home Insurance and Flood Insurance

It would be best if you had distinct flood insurance because your home insurance policy does not cover flood damage. If your home gets flooded, causing severe damage to the house and personal belongings within, your homeowner’s insurance will not pay for it. Skipping out on flood insurance is not a good idea because you never know when a flood could strike. Due to climate change, many areas that don’t have a historical record of flooding are now experiencing it.

Get Your Flood Insurance Policy

To commence with acquiring flood insurance, give us a call at STARS Insurance in Deerfield, IL.